Well, I've been in a slump.
Boo-hoo, right? It's not like I'm suicidal or need prozac... I just get really really apathetic... for months at a time.
Well, I'm pulling out of it... I think. We'll see.
I quit my job. I'm in a new house (which is tough because I quit my job). I start school (again) at UIC Aug 27 (which is tough because I quit my job). I just got back from my buddy's bachelor party in St Louis and I'm heading to his wedding in Toronto tomorrow morning. My brother is getting married Aug 10.
I should be more physically active. I should jog more and play more hockey (goalie... believe me, until you put those pads on you have no idea how tiring it is... it's f*ing awesome!) I'm not fat by by any means, but I feel happy when I've gotten a work out. (If only I could get addicted to that)
I have some songs in the works (two of them sampling/remixing Gillenium). Hopefully when I get back from Toronto I can get my head back in the game.
I'm also working on some tunes with my brother under the monicker ID of OZ (check it at www.myspace.com/idofoz )
And if you have the chance check out Gill's dj sets at http://gillenium.podomatic.com/
P.S.: Anyone who I told I would work with or remix, I haven't forgotten you. There is a good handful of you. I'm sorry it's taken so long. Give me a bit to pull my head out of my ass and I'll try my best to get back to it.
Sweet Mo is Back! Glad you didn't disappear from NG completely.